True Claycombe is the Associate Policy Director at Friends of the Global Fight. In this role, she advocates for Friends’ legislative and policy goals, engages and acts as a liaison between Friends and the global health community, and keeps the Friends’ team abreast of all things related to the Global Fund, HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. True also provides research, analysis, and written materials on major policy issues and external reports as they relate to the Global Fund, the three diseases, and global health more generally.
Prior to joining Friends, True graduated from the School of International Service at American University with an M.A. in international development. Her studies focused on global health policy and community development, including internships at Save the Children, the Clearwater Initiative, and the Reproductive and Child Health Alliance in Cambodia.
Before graduate school, True spent more than two years on Capitol Hill as a Legislative Assistant to Rep. David McKinley (R-WV). She handled a legislative portfolio of healthcare, foreign affairs, education, human rights, tax and budget, and postal reform.
True graduated from the University of Georgia with a B.A. in Sociology.